نيفيا Nivea تاريخ الشركة واهم المنتجات والاستخدامات

تأسست شركة “نيفيا” (Nivea) في عام 1882 على يد المخترع الألماني بول كارل بيور (Paul Carl Beiersdorf). بدأت الشركة كمختبر طبي صغير في مدينة هامبورج، ألمانيا. وفي البداية، كانت تُركز على إنتاج منتجات طبية مختلفة. في عام 1911، قام كارل بيور بتسجيل علامة تجارية جديدة باسم “نيفيا”، وهو مصطلح لاتيني يعني “الثلج الأبيض”. تم استخدام هذا الاسم لأول مرة لوصف كريم مرطب يعمل على ترطيب البشرة وحمايتها.

تطورت نيفيا على مر السنوات لتصبح واحدة من أكبر الشركات المصنعة لمنتجات العناية بالبشرة في العالم. تشمل منتجاتها مجموعة واسعة من مستحضرات التجميل ومنتجات العناية بالبشرة والشعر للنساء والرجال والأطفال.

تم استحواذ شركة نيفيا في عام 1890 من قبل أوسكار تروبش (Oscar Troplowitz)، الذي قام بتوسيع نطاق إنتاج الشركة وتسويقها. في عام 1922، قامت الشركة بإطلاق أول كريم نيفيا في العبوة الشهيرة باللون الأزرق.

في الوقت الحاضر، تعد نيفيا جزءًا من مجموعة بيور (Beiersdorf AG)، وهي شركة عالمية تضم عدة علامات تجارية للعناية الشخصية والمنتجات الصحية. تواصل نيفيا تقديم مستحضرات عالية الجودة ومبتكرة للعملاء حول العالم، وتحظى بشعبية واسعة وثقة المستهلكين.

[وحدة محتوى البيض=AE__amazonsa]

نيفيا هو منتج تجميلي مشهور ومحبوب حول العالم. يعتبر نيفيا من العلامات التجارية الرائدة في صناعة منتجات العناية بالبشرة منذ عقود عديدة. يتميز كريم نيفيا بتركيبته الفريدة التي تجمع بين الجودة العالية والمكونات الطبيعية التي تعمل على ترطيب وتغذية البشرة.

يتميز كريم نيفيا بقدرته على ترطيب البشرة بعمق وإعادة توازن الرطوبة الطبيعية فيها. يحتوي على مكونات مثل الجلسرين وزبدة الشيا وفيتامين E التي تساعد في ترطيب البشرة وتغذيتها وتحسين مرونتها. يعمل كريم نيفيا على تلطيف البشرة وتهدئة التهيجات والاحمرار، مما يجعله مناسبًا لجميع أنواع البشرة بما في ذلك الجافة والحساسة.

بالإضافة إلى ترطيبه الفعال، يتميز كريم نيفيا أيضًا بقدرته على تشكيل طبقة واقية على سطح البشرة تحميها من التلوث والعوامل البيئية الضارة. يعمل كريم نيفيا على تحسين ملمس البشرة وتنعيمها، مما يجعله مثاليًا للاستخدام اليومي.

تتوفر منتجات نيفيا في مجموعة واسعة، بما في ذلك الكريمات واللوشنات ومنتجات العناية بالشفاه والجسم. بغض النظر عن احتياجاتك الخاصة، ستجد بالتأكيد منتجًا من نيفيا يلبي توقعاتك ويساعدك على الحفاظ على بشرة صحية وجميلة.

باختصار، كريم نيفيا هو منتج تجميل ممتاز يوفر ترطيبًا عميقًا وحماية وتغذية للبشرة. يعتبر خيارًا مثاليًا لأولئك الذين يبحثون عن منتج بسيط وفعال للعناية بالبشرة.

ما هي المكونات الأخرى الموجودة في منتجات نيفيا؟

منتجات نيفيا تحتوي على مجموعة متنوعة من المكونات التي تعمل على ترطيب وتغذية البشرة. بالإضافة إلى المكونات الرئيسية مثل الجلسرين وزبدة الشيا وفيتامين E، قد تتضمن منتجات نيفيا المكونات التالية:

  1. زيوت طبيعية: قد تحتوي منتجات نيفيا على زيوت طبيعية مثل زيت اللوز الحلو وزيت الجوجوبا وزيت الأفوكادو. تساعد هذه الزيوت في تغذية البشرة وترطيبها بعمق.
  2. بانثينول: يعتبر بانثينول مكونًا شائعًا في منتجات نيفيا. يعمل على تهدئة البشرة وترميمها، ويعزز عملية التجديد الخلوي ويساعد في تحسين مرونة البشرة.
  3. حمض الهيالورونيك: يعد حمض الهيالورونيك مكونًا فعالًا للترطيب. يجذب الماء ويرطب البشرة بشكل فعال، مما يجعلها تبدو أكثر نعومة وامتلاءً.
  4. فيتامين C: يعد فيتامين C مضادًا للأكسدة قويًا يساعد في تفتيح البشرة وتحسين مظهرها العام. كما يساعد في تحفيز إنتاج الكولاجين وتفتيح البقع الداكنة.
  5. زيت شجرة الشاي: يُعرف زيت شجرة الشاي بخصائصه المضادة للبكتيريا والمضادة للالتهابات. يستخدم في بعض منتجات نيفيا لمكافحة البثور وحب الشباب وتهدئة البشرة المتهيجة.

تجدر الإشارة إلى أنه يمكن أن تختلف المكونات المحددة في كل منتج نيفيا، حيث تقدم العلامة التجارية تشكيلة واسعة تستهدف احتياجات متنوعة للبشرة. يُنصح بقراءة قائمة المكونات الموجودة على المنتج لمعرفة التركيبة الدقيقة والتحقق من أي مكونات تحتاج إليها أو تفضلها لبشرتك الخاصة.

[وحدة محتوى البيض=AE__amazonae]

ماهي استخدامات كريم نيفيا:

كريم نيفيا له مجموعة واسعة من الاستخدامات ويمكن استخدامه للعديد من الأغراض. إليك بعض الاستخدامات الشائعة لكريم نيفيا:

  1. ترطيب البشرة: يُستخدم كريم نيفيا لترطيب البشرة بعمق ومنحها الترطيب اللازم. يمكن استخدامه على الوجه والجسم، ويعمل على ترطيب الجلد الجاف وتحسين نعومته ومرونته.
  2. العناية بالشفاه: يُعتبر كريم نيفيا خيارًا رائعًا للعناية بالشفاه الجافة والمتشققة. يمكن وضعه على الشفاه لترطيبها وتنعيمها وحمايتها من التشقق.
  3. مرطب لليدين والأظافر: يمكن استخدام كريم نيفيا لترطيب اليدين والأظافر. يمتص بسرعة ويعمل على ترطيب البشرة الجافة وتقوية الأظافر الهشة.
  4. مزيل المكياج: يمكن استخدام كريم نيفيا كمزيل مكياج للوجه. يعمل على إزالة المكياج بلطف وفعالية دون أن يجفف البشرة.
  5. مهدئ للبشرة المتهيجة: إذا كانت بشرتك تعاني من التهيج أو الاحمرار، فيمكن استخدام كريم نيفيا لتهدئة البشرة وتخفيف الاحمرار.
  6. مرطب للحلاقة: يُمكن استخدام كريم نيفيا كمرطب قبل وبعد الحلاقة لترطيب البشرة وتهيئتها للحلاقة وتهدئة الاحمرار والتهيج.

تذكر أنه يجب دائمًا تجربة المنتج على جزء صغير من البشرة قبل الاستخدام الكامل للتحقق من عدم وجود رد فعل سلبي أو تحسس. وفي حالة وجود أي مشاكل جلدية مزمنة أو حساسية شديدة، يُنصح بالتشاور مع أخصائي الرعاية الصحية قبل استخدام المنتج.




NIVEA Moisturising Cream, Universal All Pourpose Moisturizer for Face Body Hands, Tin 400ml

السعر: 23.95 AED
اعتبارًا من 3 سبتمبر، 2024 5:05 م
شراء الآن
انتظر انخفاض السعر

سجل السعر


السعر الحالي 23.95 AED 3 سبتمبر، 2024
اغلى سعر 24.00 AED 5 مايو، 2024
أقل سعر 19.89 AED 17 سبتمبر، 2024
منذ 5 مايو، 2024

آخر تغييرات السعر

19.89 AED 17 سبتمبر، 2024
23.95 AED 15 مايو، 2024
24.00 AED 5 مايو، 2024

NIVEA Essentially Enriched Body Lotion,Dry to Very Dry Skin, 16.9 Fl Oz, Package may vary

السعر: $6.41
اعتبارًا من 12 أكتوبر، 2024 2:26 ص
شراء الآن
انتظر انخفاض السعر

سجل السعر


السعر الحالي $6.41 12 أكتوبر، 2024
اغلى سعر $6.41 12 أكتوبر، 2024
أقل سعر $5.35 14 يوليو، 2024
منذ 14 يونيو، 2024

آخر تغييرات السعر

$6.41 12 أكتوبر، 2024
$5.35 14 يوليو، 2024
$6.29 14 يونيو، 2024

NIVEA Creme Body, Face and Hand Moisturizing Cream, 13.5 Oz Tin

السعر: $9.69
اعتبارًا من 12 أكتوبر، 2024 2:26 ص
شراء الآن
انتظر انخفاض السعر

سجل السعر


السعر الحالي $9.69 12 أكتوبر، 2024
اغلى سعر $10.69 12 مايو، 2024
أقل سعر $8.47 13 أغسطس، 2024
منذ 12 مايو، 2024

آخر تغييرات السعر

$9.69 12 أكتوبر، 2024
$8.47 13 أغسطس، 2024
$9.09 14 يوليو، 2024
$9.99 14 يونيو، 2024
$9.97 11 يونيو، 2024

NIVEA Intense Healing Body Lotion, 72 Hour Moisture for Dry to Very Dry Skin, 16.9 Fl Oz Pump Bottle

السعر: $6.41
اعتبارًا من 12 أكتوبر، 2024 2:26 ص
شراء الآن
انتظر انخفاض السعر

سجل السعر


السعر الحالي $6.41 12 أكتوبر، 2024
اغلى سعر $6.41 14 يونيو، 2024
أقل سعر $5.35 14 يوليو، 2024
منذ 14 يونيو، 2024

آخر تغييرات السعر

$6.41 12 أكتوبر، 2024
$5.35 14 يوليو، 2024
$6.41 14 يونيو، 2024

كريم نيڤيا، كريم ترطيب متعدد الاستخدامات من نيڤيا، علبة معدنية 400 مل

السعر: 28.50 SAR
اعتبارًا من 16 أكتوبر، 2024 5:03 م
شراء الآن
انتظر انخفاض السعر

سجل السعر


السعر الحالي 28.50 SAR 16 أكتوبر، 2024
اغلى سعر 30.23 SAR 9 سبتمبر، 2024
أقل سعر 11.99 SAR 23 أبريل، 2024
منذ 22 أبريل، 2024

آخر تغييرات السعر

28.50 SAR 14 أكتوبر، 2024
13.94 SAR 18 سبتمبر، 2024
13.99 SAR 17 سبتمبر، 2024
27.50 SAR 14 سبتمبر، 2024
30.23 SAR 13 سبتمبر، 2024

لوشن الجسم المغذي من نيڤيا، زيت اللوز، للبشرة الجافة جداً، 400 مل

السعر: 25.90 SAR
اعتبارًا من 16 أكتوبر، 2024 5:03 م
شراء الآن
انتظر انخفاض السعر

سجل السعر


السعر الحالي 25.90 SAR 16 أكتوبر، 2024
اغلى سعر 28.95 SAR 11 مايو، 2024
أقل سعر 13.47 SAR 17 سبتمبر، 2024
منذ 20 أبريل، 2024

آخر تغييرات السعر

25.90 SAR 16 أكتوبر، 2024
13.47 SAR 15 أكتوبر، 2024
25.90 SAR 14 أكتوبر، 2024
13.47 SAR 17 سبتمبر، 2024
17.94 SAR 16 سبتمبر، 2024

  1. A LaMer dupe! Who knew? Not me- until now. I have been a fan of Nivea products but thought they were good but not great in general. I read in a beauty magazine that this Nivea Creme is as close to a dupe of LaMer than any other cream out there. I was stunned. They did an ingredient by ingredient comparison and this cream is nearly an exact dupe! I did a little more research and apparently it isn’t a big secret – only to me. So I ordered a big ole tin of the cream. It was very inexpensive and I knew it was good for my body because I had used it in the past, just never on my face.This time, I started using it on my face. It is a huge tin so I only peeled back a little of the foil covering so as not to expose it all to air and bacteria. It will last for ages. Long story short, it works great on my face. It is hydrating, makes my face smooth and soft, doesn’t pill up or flake, and isn’t greasy. I will always love  Too Cool for School Egg Mellow Cream  best for firmness and wonderful hydration but this Nivea cream is heavier and gives my winter dry skin a lot more moisture. Is it a LaMer dupe? No idea. I used LaMer a few times and didn’t see what the fuss was all about for the crazy high price. It was nice but nothing spectacular. However, for around $6.00 for 13.5 ounces, this Nivea Creme is the bomb. It’s worth so much more than that. And it’s great for the body as well. I just bought a second tin to use on just on my body. That way, I can keep the body one in the bathroom and take big scoops out for all over body hydration and keep the other one with my facial products and use it sparingly and with the nearly closed foil covering for safety.Bottom line: This cream, for the low price, is very, very good for both the body and the face. See ya, LaMer! 🙂

  2. A LaMer dupe! Who knew? Not me- until now. I have been a fan of Nivea products but thought they were good but not great in general. I read in a beauty magazine that this Nivea Creme is as close to a dupe of LaMer than any other cream out there. I was stunned. They did an ingredient by ingredient comparison and this cream is nearly an exact dupe! I did a little more research and apparently it isn’t a big secret – only to me. So I ordered a big ole tin of the cream. It was very inexpensive and I knew it was good for my body because I had used it in the past, just never on my face.This time, I started using it on my face. It is a huge tin so I only peeled back a little of the foil covering so as not to expose it all to air and bacteria. It will last for ages. Long story short, it works great on my face. It is hydrating, makes my face smooth and soft, doesn’t pill up or flake, and isn’t greasy. I will always love  Too Cool for School Egg Mellow Cream  best for firmness and wonderful hydration but this Nivea cream is heavier and gives my winter dry skin a lot more moisture. Is it a LaMer dupe? No idea. I used LaMer a few times and didn’t see what the fuss was all about for the crazy high price. It was nice but nothing spectacular. However, for around $6.00 for 13.5 ounces, this Nivea Creme is the bomb. It’s worth so much more than that. And it’s great for the body as well. I just bought a second tin to use on just on my body. That way, I can keep the body one in the bathroom and take big scoops out for all over body hydration and keep the other one with my facial products and use it sparingly and with the nearly closed foil covering for safety.Bottom line: This cream, for the low price, is very, very good for both the body and the face. See ya, LaMer! 🙂

  3. Nivea Creme – Regular user. I have been a regular user of Nivea’s Universal all purpose moisturizing cream since several years. It feels very good and gives the skin a soft feel and smells good too. Not a strong overpowering smell, just a slight creamy smell. I use it to soften the rough skin on my feet and ankles and with regular use the skin becomes very soft. I prefer the 400ml Tin as I use this daily and is more economical than the smaller packs.

  4. Nivea Creme – Regular user. I have been a regular user of Nivea’s Universal all purpose moisturizing cream since several years. It feels very good and gives the skin a soft feel and smells good too. Not a strong overpowering smell, just a slight creamy smell. I use it to soften the rough skin on my feet and ankles and with regular use the skin becomes very soft. I prefer the 400ml Tin as I use this daily and is more economical than the smaller packs.

  5. Very very moisturizing. Since the blue or the classic original Nivea cream is the highest level of moisturizer you could get, I’d recommend using it in winter, however, using it just normally, you can use just a small bit over your face or body. The thing about this one is that since it’s an extremely moisturizing cream, you just need to use a very little amount and it runs for a really really long time. I’ve been using since the age of 4 and my mother, since the age of like 16. This is the best moisturizer one can get considering the price and the quantity.

  6. Very very moisturizing. Since the blue or the classic original Nivea cream is the highest level of moisturizer you could get, I’d recommend using it in winter, however, using it just normally, you can use just a small bit over your face or body. The thing about this one is that since it’s an extremely moisturizing cream, you just need to use a very little amount and it runs for a really really long time. I’ve been using since the age of 4 and my mother, since the age of like 16. This is the best moisturizer one can get considering the price and the quantity.

  7. All times favorite classic. I am glad that Nivea cream in blue tin has not changed its quality over the years. It helps to fight with dry skin very well, like feet knees and hands. However I would not recommend it to use for oily or combination face skin, since it might clog the pores.Delivery was fast. But unfortunately the product came with a slight dent in a tin. Doesn’t bother me much unless I would give it as gift.

  8. All times favorite classic. I am glad that Nivea cream in blue tin has not changed its quality over the years. It helps to fight with dry skin very well, like feet knees and hands. However I would not recommend it to use for oily or combination face skin, since it might clog the pores.Delivery was fast. But unfortunately the product came with a slight dent in a tin. Doesn’t bother me much unless I would give it as gift.

  9. Reply
    shailesh kunnath SEKHARAN 30 يوليو، 2020 at 12:00 ص

    All-purpose cream for all skin types, even sensitive skin. This nivea universal all purpose moisturizing cream is Great for body, face, hands and dry spots like elbows, knees.After trying it on my face, hands, and body, I found I really like the results on my hands and body.This one is very cheap compared to most moisturizers, so if you’re in a bind and need a facial moisturizer, it won’t hurt to try it out.hence good moisturizer on a budget !!!

  10. Reply
    shailesh kunnath SEKHARAN 30 يوليو، 2020 at 12:00 ص

    All-purpose cream for all skin types, even sensitive skin. This nivea universal all purpose moisturizing cream is Great for body, face, hands and dry spots like elbows, knees.After trying it on my face, hands, and body, I found I really like the results on my hands and body.This one is very cheap compared to most moisturizers, so if you’re in a bind and need a facial moisturizer, it won’t hurt to try it out.hence good moisturizer on a budget !!!

  11. NIVEA Moisturizing Cream. I have been using the NIVEA Moisturizing Cream (Tin) since a very long time now. This is the first cream that the entire family started using since a long time & continue using it even today. This cream is perfect for any small cuts/wounds and heals faster – giving a soothing, calming effect. It is a thick cream and contains Glycerin & I prefer to use it on my elbows, knees, neck and face in the night. It keeps my skin moisturized for long & makes it ultra soft & smooth.

  12. NIVEA Moisturizing Cream. I have been using the NIVEA Moisturizing Cream (Tin) since a very long time now. This is the first cream that the entire family started using since a long time & continue using it even today. This cream is perfect for any small cuts/wounds and heals faster – giving a soothing, calming effect. It is a thick cream and contains Glycerin & I prefer to use it on my elbows, knees, neck and face in the night. It keeps my skin moisturized for long & makes it ultra soft & smooth.

  13. I bought it for the fragrance. I bought this mainly because I miss my grandma. It smells just like her. Otherwise it’s a greasy mess that doesn’t go on skin easily unless your skin is bone dry. Then it doesn’t get absorbed in your skin. If you don’t mind the greasy feeling for hours, your skin will be soft once it’s absorbed the next day. And if you miss your grandma like I do, it’s cheap enough to have it around and not use it.

  14. I bought it for the fragrance. I bought this mainly because I miss my grandma. It smells just like her. Otherwise it’s a greasy mess that doesn’t go on skin easily unless your skin is bone dry. Then it doesn’t get absorbed in your skin. If you don’t mind the greasy feeling for hours, your skin will be soft once it’s absorbed the next day. And if you miss your grandma like I do, it’s cheap enough to have it around and not use it.

  15. AWESOME! AMAZING PRICE! Finally found a cream I’ll probably use forever. I’m a guy and only in the past couple years, started to care about my skin. I tried expensive mens specific moisturizers like Lumin and Marlowe. This Nivea cream works far better! It’s thicker sure, but the mornings after I put it on I actually notice a difference in my skin, it often looks tighter and healthier and even seems like there’s less color inconsistencies/blemishes. I had flaky skin on my chin and neck that was healed within a day or two. I don’t have acne anymore so I can’t confirm for sure that it doesn’t cause breakouts, but even though it’s thick it really feels great and has definitely made my skin look better overall. I use it twice a day and honestly look forward to putting it on each day.This stuff works so well and has almost no scent which is perfect, often the higher end creams are scented and I noticed that made my eyes super itchy so I’d only use it on areas far from my eyes which meant it wasn’t even covering much of my face. I read all the positive reviews of this product and realized it’s often better to go for the tried and true, 100+ year old company then pay way more for trendy nonsense that has nice packaging but does nothing for my skin. All the fancy new brands I tried either did nothing or even made things worse, either with the eye irritation or even causing my skin to feel drier!I did the math and the fancy brands I bought were up to 30x more expensive per ounce, yes 30x! I paid over $13 an ounce for a couple brands. This Nivea is .44 Cents per ounce! You get a huge, nearly 1lb tin of it for only $6-8, it’s an unbelievably great price.I’m so happy with this purchase, it’s one of those items you buy for a fantastic price, try and just instantly realize it’s a game-changer. Thank you to all the reviews that mentioned their parents and grandparents using this for decades as these made me realize many of these cheaper, maybe less flashy brands are actually the best one’s to buy.I’m a huge Nivea fan now and will try some of their other cheap products in the future and I plan on buying this product forever, I am convincing friends and family to the same. Thanks Nivea!

  16. AWESOME! AMAZING PRICE! Finally found a cream I’ll probably use forever. I’m a guy and only in the past couple years, started to care about my skin. I tried expensive mens specific moisturizers like Lumin and Marlowe. This Nivea cream works far better! It’s thicker sure, but the mornings after I put it on I actually notice a difference in my skin, it often looks tighter and healthier and even seems like there’s less color inconsistencies/blemishes. I had flaky skin on my chin and neck that was healed within a day or two. I don’t have acne anymore so I can’t confirm for sure that it doesn’t cause breakouts, but even though it’s thick it really feels great and has definitely made my skin look better overall. I use it twice a day and honestly look forward to putting it on each day.This stuff works so well and has almost no scent which is perfect, often the higher end creams are scented and I noticed that made my eyes super itchy so I’d only use it on areas far from my eyes which meant it wasn’t even covering much of my face. I read all the positive reviews of this product and realized it’s often better to go for the tried and true, 100+ year old company then pay way more for trendy nonsense that has nice packaging but does nothing for my skin. All the fancy new brands I tried either did nothing or even made things worse, either with the eye irritation or even causing my skin to feel drier!I did the math and the fancy brands I bought were up to 30x more expensive per ounce, yes 30x! I paid over $13 an ounce for a couple brands. This Nivea is .44 Cents per ounce! You get a huge, nearly 1lb tin of it for only $6-8, it’s an unbelievably great price.I’m so happy with this purchase, it’s one of those items you buy for a fantastic price, try and just instantly realize it’s a game-changer. Thank you to all the reviews that mentioned their parents and grandparents using this for decades as these made me realize many of these cheaper, maybe less flashy brands are actually the best one’s to buy.I’m a huge Nivea fan now and will try some of their other cheap products in the future and I plan on buying this product forever, I am convincing friends and family to the same. Thanks Nivea!

  17. Fue un regalo para mi mamá es su crema preferida por siempre y es que en realidad no tiene comparación. Sin dudas la mejor

  18. Fue un regalo para mi mamá es su crema preferida por siempre y es que en realidad no tiene comparación. Sin dudas la mejor

  19. Good lotion, but a little greasy. I like this lotion, it leaves my skin soft, and I love to use it on my legs right before I leave to go out in something that shows my legs. I feel like it adds a little sheen/highlight effect.I’m unsure if the softness effect is temporary and this isn’t the best lotion. It’s definitely a little greasy but I don’t end up like oily all day. It dries. If I lived in a humid climate I don’t think I’d ever use this, though. Otherwise, this was a decent deal.

  20. Good lotion, but a little greasy. I like this lotion, it leaves my skin soft, and I love to use it on my legs right before I leave to go out in something that shows my legs. I feel like it adds a little sheen/highlight effect.I’m unsure if the softness effect is temporary and this isn’t the best lotion. It’s definitely a little greasy but I don’t end up like oily all day. It dries. If I lived in a humid climate I don’t think I’d ever use this, though. Otherwise, this was a decent deal.

  21. It works very well. I’ve been using this lotion for several months now and it really is an inexpensive way to start moisturized. I have naturally dry skin and when I use this especially on my arms, legs, hands, feet, it absorbs fairly quickly so it’s not greasy after about 2-5 minutes and my skin stays smooth and hydrated for a day or two depending. If you scrub vigorously in the bath/shower it won’t last the full 48 but for me it always lasts a full day and usually two full days well without me needing to reapply even on harsher areas like elbows. If you want extra soft skin this alone should do it. But you can also always add Vaseline atop it and cover up for a few hours or overnight and have really nice soft skin as well for a deeper more intense moisturizing.

  22. It works very well. I’ve been using this lotion for several months now and it really is an inexpensive way to start moisturized. I have naturally dry skin and when I use this especially on my arms, legs, hands, feet, it absorbs fairly quickly so it’s not greasy after about 2-5 minutes and my skin stays smooth and hydrated for a day or two depending. If you scrub vigorously in the bath/shower it won’t last the full 48 but for me it always lasts a full day and usually two full days well without me needing to reapply even on harsher areas like elbows. If you want extra soft skin this alone should do it. But you can also always add Vaseline atop it and cover up for a few hours or overnight and have really nice soft skin as well for a deeper more intense moisturizing.

  23. Super humectante,es la original, execelente tamaño por el precio 😊

  24. Super humectante,es la original, execelente tamaño por el precio 😊

  25. BEST MOISTURIZER. this is the best moisturizer on the market!! it had no smell & it feels great on my skin!!! if you haven’t bought this yet YOU ARE MISSING OUT!! 10000/10 HIGHLY RECOMMEND

  26. BEST MOISTURIZER. this is the best moisturizer on the market!! it had no smell & it feels great on my skin!!! if you haven’t bought this yet YOU ARE MISSING OUT!! 10000/10 HIGHLY RECOMMEND

  27. Impressed. I was not expecting much but it is actually really really good. The smell is nice and your skin gets moisturized right away.

  28. Impressed. I was not expecting much but it is actually really really good. The smell is nice and your skin gets moisturized right away.

  29. Awesome Moisturizer. This lotion is really great !!!It goes on smooth like silk and smells absolutely wonderful.The bottle says 72 hour moisture, but it doesn’t last that long on me. However, I have eczema, so that may make a difference.

  30. Awesome Moisturizer. This lotion is really great !!!It goes on smooth like silk and smells absolutely wonderful.The bottle says 72 hour moisture, but it doesn’t last that long on me. However, I have eczema, so that may make a difference.

  31. This cream. So I saw a TikTok girl use this and say how much she loved it! So naturally I had to have it! It’s AMAZING! Makes my skin feel so good and hydrated. It also smells delicious! In the summer I mix it with my bronzer and it gives it that perfect glow!

  32. This cream. So I saw a TikTok girl use this and say how much she loved it! So naturally I had to have it! It’s AMAZING! Makes my skin feel so good and hydrated. It also smells delicious! In the summer I mix it with my bronzer and it gives it that perfect glow!

  33. good size. moisturizing. great for dry skin

  34. good size. moisturizing. great for dry skin

  35. Helps avoid skin breakdown. Bought for moisturizing but it has helped to avoid skin breakdown for my mother. Better than I could ask for. I will re buy this in a heart beat. Was only $6. This is awesome. There is a natural light fragrance but super light. I love it

  36. Helps avoid skin breakdown. Bought for moisturizing but it has helped to avoid skin breakdown for my mother. Better than I could ask for. I will re buy this in a heart beat. Was only $6. This is awesome. There is a natural light fragrance but super light. I love it

  37. That’s nivea is the best. Nivea is the best

  38. That’s nivea is the best. Nivea is the best

  39. Great Moisturizer. I love this stuff! It smells so nice and light. My tin did come a little dented, but that is to be expected. The cream is more thick than I’d like it to be but you could always warm it up.

  40. Great Moisturizer. I love this stuff! It smells so nice and light. My tin did come a little dented, but that is to be expected. The cream is more thick than I’d like it to be but you could always warm it up.

  41. Rich & Creamy. This is my favorite lotion for ultra hydration! It’s rich and creamy and leaves my skin feeling nourished.

  42. Nivea Creme. Amazing creme I use It year round very moisturizing to the skin, if you have dry skin this is for you, it last all day. Also gives the skin a radiant glow. Goes on thick but melt perfectly. I love It been using this product for 10 years and jus bought my mom who is 80 years this creme she loves it

  43. Rich & Creamy. This is my favorite lotion for ultra hydration! It’s rich and creamy and leaves my skin feeling nourished.

  44. Nivea Creme. Amazing creme I use It year round very moisturizing to the skin, if you have dry skin this is for you, it last all day. Also gives the skin a radiant glow. Goes on thick but melt perfectly. I love It been using this product for 10 years and jus bought my mom who is 80 years this creme she loves it

  45. Great Deal. Good moisturizer. Leaves a shiny reside after application but that doesn’t bother me. Nice fragrance. Has a watery/runny texture, unlike other lotions that may be more thick, so I feel like I tend to use more Nivea than other thicker consistency lotions.

  46. Great for the Skin ,Great Value. Does the Job, Easy to Handle , Great Value!

  47. Great Deal. Good moisturizer. Leaves a shiny reside after application but that doesn’t bother me. Nice fragrance. Has a watery/runny texture, unlike other lotions that may be more thick, so I feel like I tend to use more Nivea than other thicker consistency lotions.

  48. Great for the Skin ,Great Value. Does the Job, Easy to Handle , Great Value!

  49. Love it. I love the smell it is good for both man and woman. Not strong at all. Moisturize my skin and feels good. Recommend for dry skin.

  50. Love it. I love the smell it is good for both man and woman. Not strong at all. Moisturize my skin and feels good. Recommend for dry skin.

  51. A 72-Hour Moisture Marvel for Silky, Nourished Skin. NIVEA Intense Healing Body Lotion has become an indispensable part of my daily skincare routine, and it’s no surprise why – this lotion delivers an unparalleled level of moisture and care to my skin, leaving it feeling irresistibly soft and deeply nourished.The promise of 72-hour moisture is not an exaggeration; from the moment I apply this lotion, I can feel its hydrating effects lasting for days. The rich and creamy formula is a true delight for dry and thirsty skin, absorbing quickly without any greasy residue

  52. A 72-Hour Moisture Marvel for Silky, Nourished Skin. NIVEA Intense Healing Body Lotion has become an indispensable part of my daily skincare routine, and it’s no surprise why – this lotion delivers an unparalleled level of moisture and care to my skin, leaving it feeling irresistibly soft and deeply nourished.The promise of 72-hour moisture is not an exaggeration; from the moment I apply this lotion, I can feel its hydrating effects lasting for days. The rich and creamy formula is a true delight for dry and thirsty skin, absorbing quickly without any greasy residue

  53. Smells good and moisturize great. I love this lotion better than any other. It smells great and moisturizes my skin well. Definitely worth the price.

  54. Miracle. Repaired my dry and cracked skin in 2 days of regular usage. The smell is very pleasant and it is not greasy.

  55. Smells good and moisturize great. I love this lotion better than any other. It smells great and moisturizes my skin well. Definitely worth the price.

  56. Miracle. Repaired my dry and cracked skin in 2 days of regular usage. The smell is very pleasant and it is not greasy.

  57. Very moisturizing and skin softening. I purchased a two pack of NIVEA Essentially Enriched Body Lotion for Dry Skin on the recommendation of a YouTube perfume reviewer. She said using this lotion would make fragrances last longer on one’s skin. She was right. It does that and so much more. The skin gets very soft, smooth and glowing with regular use. This lotion is rich AND it gets completely absorbed by the skin. I love it and will purchase it again.

  58. Worth the money. Decent scent and working well for long keeping skin with moisture, will buy again !

  59. Very moisturizing and skin softening. I purchased a two pack of NIVEA Essentially Enriched Body Lotion for Dry Skin on the recommendation of a YouTube perfume reviewer. She said using this lotion would make fragrances last longer on one’s skin. She was right. It does that and so much more. The skin gets very soft, smooth and glowing with regular use. This lotion is rich AND it gets completely absorbed by the skin. I love it and will purchase it again.

  60. Worth the money. Decent scent and working well for long keeping skin with moisture, will buy again !

  61. Lotion that dries fast and does not leave a sticky residue. This lotion is amazing. We use it in our cars and at home. This lotion makes my hands happy when they are super dry. My husband loves it too. The scent is nice and not overwhelming.

  62. Lotion that dries fast and does not leave a sticky residue. This lotion is amazing. We use it in our cars and at home. This lotion makes my hands happy when they are super dry. My husband loves it too. The scent is nice and not overwhelming.

  63. 長く使える。

  64. 長く使える。

  65. أصلي ومضمون وألماني الصنع وسعر غاية في الرخص. أصلي ومضون وصناعه ألماني وسعر منافس بلا منازع وقت العروض الموسميه وتطلع الحبه بأقل من 11 ريال فقط وهذا أرخص من سعر الجمله بكثير وسرعه في التوصيل

  66. Good product. Very nice

  67. Reply
    مناديل جميله و وفيره و تطول تجلس و اصليه ١٠٠ بالميه 16 يناير، 2024 at 1:07 ص

    خيبر. ممتاز جدا

  68. رائع. انصح فيه و بقوة الافضل وقت وجود تخفيض عليهحجم كبير و سعر معقول

  69. Creams. Its a bit more one the bland side but it tastes nice and soft

  70. Good price in Amazon. It was for a friend

  71. تقييم. منتج اصلي وسعر مناسب

  72. كبيره العلبه. ترطيبه قوي وكميته حلوه

  73. رهيب ترطيبه. يعطي ترطيب حلو

  74. تغليفه ممتاز. المنتج سعره منتاز مقارنه بالسوق لكن جاني وحده من العلب انكب منها الكريم بس للامانه التغليف كان محكم والتسريب لايؤثر ع المنتج مقارنه بالكميه والجوده

  75. Original product. Original product

  76. Reply
    فوزيه القحطاني 16 يناير، 2024 at 1:07 ص

    ممتاز. جودة

  77. جيد جدا. جيد جدا

  78. Reply
    حلو وريحته حلوه وسعره مناسب 16 يناير، 2024 at 1:07 ص

    سعره مناسب. ريحته حلوه وسعره مناسب

  79. Like it. Orignal

  80. أصلي ومضمون وألماني الصنع وسعر غاية في الرخص. أصلي ومضون وصناعه ألماني وسعر منافس بلا منازع وقت العروض الموسميه وتطلع الحبه بأقل من 11 ريال فقط وهذا أرخص من سعر الجمله بكثير وسرعه في التوصيل

  81. Good product. Very nice

  82. Reply
    مناديل جميله و وفيره و تطول تجلس و اصليه ١٠٠ بالميه 16 يناير، 2024 at 1:14 ص

    خيبر. ممتاز جدا

  83. رائع. انصح فيه و بقوة الافضل وقت وجود تخفيض عليهحجم كبير و سعر معقول

  84. Creams. Its a bit more one the bland side but it tastes nice and soft

  85. Good price in Amazon. It was for a friend

  86. تقييم. منتج اصلي وسعر مناسب

  87. كبيره العلبه. ترطيبه قوي وكميته حلوه

  88. رهيب ترطيبه. يعطي ترطيب حلو

  89. تغليفه ممتاز. المنتج سعره منتاز مقارنه بالسوق لكن جاني وحده من العلب انكب منها الكريم بس للامانه التغليف كان محكم والتسريب لايؤثر ع المنتج مقارنه بالكميه والجوده

  90. Original product. Original product

  91. Reply
    فوزيه القحطاني 16 يناير، 2024 at 1:14 ص

    ممتاز. جودة

  92. جيد جدا. جيد جدا

  93. Reply
    حلو وريحته حلوه وسعره مناسب 16 يناير، 2024 at 1:14 ص

    سعره مناسب. ريحته حلوه وسعره مناسب

  94. Like it. Orignal

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