أقراص مغنيسيوم مُستخلب عالية الامتصاص 100% من دكتورز بيست – 240 قرصًا

يدعم مغنسيوم عالي الإمتصاص من دكتورز بيست كثافة العظام ويساعد في الحفاظ على دقات القلب العادية ويدعم صحة القلب والأوعية الدموية. مصنوع من TRAACS شكل من أشكال المغنسيوم المتوافر بيولوجيًا. مغنسيوم عالي الإمتصاص ( غير مخزن) يعني أنه غير مختلط مع تكلفة أقل و أكسيد…

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ضبط التنبيه للمنتج: أقراص مغنيسيوم مُستخلب عالية الامتصاص 100% من دكتورز بيست - 240 قرصًا - 0.00 SAR
سجل السعر
سجل السعر لـ أقراص مغنيسيوم مُستخلب عالية الامتصاص 100% من دكتورز بيست - 240 قرصًا
آخر التحديثات:
  • 160.00 SAR - 17 يوليو، 2024
  • 168.00 SAR - 15 يوليو، 2024
  • 152.00 SAR - 13 يوليو، 2024
  • 139.00 SAR - 11 يوليو، 2024
  • 129.30 SAR - 7 يوليو، 2024
  • 119.10 SAR - 5 يوليو، 2024
  • 108.27 SAR - 1 يوليو، 2024
  • 118.99 SAR - 29 يونيو، 2024
منذ: 4 فبراير، 2024
  • السعر الاعلى: 173.03 SAR - 4 مايو، 2024
  • السعر الاقل: 29.00 SAR - 6 فبراير، 2024
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آخر تحديث في 25 يوليو، 2024 1:16 م
أقراص مغنيسيوم مُستخلب عالية الامتصاص 100% من دكتورز بيست – 240 قرصًا
أقراص مغنيسيوم مُستخلب عالية الامتصاص 100% من دكتورز بيست – 240 قرصًا



أقراص مغنيسيوم مُستخلب عالية الامتصاص 100% من دكتورز بيست - 240 قرصًا

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انتظر انخفاض السعر

سجل السعر


السعر الحالي - 25 يوليو، 2024
اغلى سعر 173.03 SAR 4 مايو، 2024
أقل سعر 29.00 SAR 6 فبراير، 2024
منذ 4 فبراير، 2024

آخر تغييرات السعر

160.00 SAR 17 يوليو، 2024
168.00 SAR 15 يوليو، 2024
152.00 SAR 13 يوليو، 2024
139.00 SAR 11 يوليو، 2024
129.30 SAR 7 يوليو، 2024

سجل الأسعار

سجل السعر لـ أقراص مغنيسيوم مُستخلب عالية الامتصاص 100% من دكتورز بيست - 240 قرصًا
آخر التحديثات:
  • 160.00 SAR - 17 يوليو، 2024
  • 168.00 SAR - 15 يوليو، 2024
  • 152.00 SAR - 13 يوليو، 2024
  • 139.00 SAR - 11 يوليو، 2024
  • 129.30 SAR - 7 يوليو، 2024
  • 119.10 SAR - 5 يوليو، 2024
  • 108.27 SAR - 1 يوليو، 2024
  • 118.99 SAR - 29 يونيو، 2024
منذ: 4 فبراير، 2024
  • السعر الاعلى: 173.03 SAR - 4 مايو، 2024
  • السعر الاقل: 29.00 SAR - 6 فبراير، 2024

مراجعات (3)

3 مراجعة لـ أقراص مغنيسيوم مُستخلب عالية الامتصاص 100% من دكتورز بيست – 240 قرصًا

4.7 من اصل 5
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عرض الكل مفيد جدًا التقييمات المرتفعة التقييمات المنخفضة

    والله هذا مغنسيوم جميل بس يضل سعره اعلا من اي هيرب والشحن يتم من جدة بس للامانه وصل في سريع والتعبئة مغلقه ودواء حتى ٢٠٢٣ صلاحيته .اتمنى تخغيض السعر حيث وسعر السلعه في اي هيرب شامل توصيل ب ٩٠ ريال ل ٢٥٠ حبه .

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  2. David L

    + Many forms require adequate stomach acid, this one does not.+ Not Buffered – Some magnesium bisglycinate on the market is “buffered”, which usually means that magnesium oxide has been “mixed in” with the magnesium bisglycinate. This makes the product cheaper but also less absorbed and useful, and unfortunately, companies often won’t mention whether or not they are using a “buffered” form. Doctors Best says its unbuffered.+ 100mg ELEMENTAL magnesium per tablet. Many brands state the amount of magnesium glycinate/bisglycinate, but not the amount of absorbable elemental magnesium. Magnesium Bisglycinate unbuffered in a pure form has about 14% of ‘elemental’ magnesium.+ Bonded to Glycine for better Absorption without GI discomfort, the bond is easily broken so the body can get to and use the magnesium. Some forms no matter how much you take, the body is barely able to break the bond and use it.+ Rated by labdoor to contain low metals.- Tablets may be a bit large for some. See photo vs the smallest Bioschwartz Magnesium Bisglycinate. That is one option although the elemental magnesium per capsule is around 1/4 of that of a DB tablet. Or a Magnesium Chloride Oil to be absorbed through the skin.- Magnesium Stearate and Stearic AcidMagnesium can’t just be by itself as a molecule, it has to be bound to something else to be stable. The biggest difference in different magnesium products is not from the magnesium itself (which is all the same) but from the molecule its bonded to. If you are taking your magnesium in a form where the bond is hard to break such as Magnesium Oxide, then you might as well be taking nothing at all because most will just pass right through you. In other words, it is like there is crazy glue holding the magnesium to its carrier, and if your body can’t break the bond, then you won’t absorb much if any. Magnesium Bisglycinate is bonded to Glycine which allows the Magnesium to more effectively pass through the intestine. This allows for maximum absorption of what you take without the digestive discomfort generally associated with Magnesium supplementation. The bond in this form is easily broken so the body can get to the magnesium and therefore makes a good option for a supplement. The other part – Glycine is a relaxant, so it may work well for anxiety.The amount stated per tablet is 100mg Elemental. Many times the amount stated per capsule is the amount of magnesium bisglycinate chelate it has, and NOT the amount of elemental magnesium it has. Magnesium Bisglycinate unbuffered in a pure form has about 14% of absorbable ‘elemental’ magnesium. In other words, they would need around 1429mgs, almost 1 1/2 grams of magnesium bisglycinate in two pills to attain 200mg of elemental magnesium as in two tablets here of doctors best.Taking 520 of Magnesium Chloride will have around 62mg elemental so always know the amount of elemental you are getting, and consider the absorption rate of the form, as some forms like oxide may only absorb 4% of the elemental you take in and require stomach acid so may not be very useful.Magnesium needs Vitamin B6 to enter the cell, and Vitamin B6 needs Magnesium, Zinc, and Vitamin B2 to convert to its active form. So those low on mag for awhile might want to consider adding some P5P (active form of B6 that wont require conversion for the body to use). Boron enhances the body’s ability to use calcium, magnesium, as well as vitamin D and helps to prevent calcium and magnesium from being lost in the urine. Around 3mg/day such as pure encapsulations (no filler) or life extension if you dont eat boron foods regularly.Magnesium will detox cells so you might need to increase slowly if you have been low awhile.The vast majority of people are deficient in magnesium due to factors such as the presence of heavy metals like mercury or aluminum, Sugar and Phytic Acid in nuts, grains and legumes both increase Mag elimination, caffeine, alcohol, cannabis, Vitamin D taken in excess lowers magnesium as well also vitamin a and potassium, heavy sweating such as endurance sports, night sweats, hot flashes, phosphates in sodas, deli meats, cereals bind to mag. Wifi and EMF also do as well.For the money, this seems to be one of the better options unless you wish to pay a higher price for no fillers from pure encapsulations which also has a good metal rating.Has my review been of help to you? If so, would you consider hitting the “helpful” button below? I’d greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

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  3. Quinn

    I’ve been jumping through hoops to get my protracted withdrawals under control and I’ve tried just about all Magnesium’s and I can say, the chelated Glycinate is the “Natural Xanax” one for anxiety, sleep, mood, and “mental health”. I can’t imagine how many people are addicted to antidepressants/benzos when they’re clearly are just not getting magnesium.Although this one is a little bit more pricy, this was rated well on Labdoor and I have had no GI pain taking these. I have gotten GI pain which felt like getting slashed and stabbed all over my gut. I was taking a “poorer” brand and others have too mentioned that side effect. Luckily I have not had that issue with these guys and I’ll continue to purchase this. The pills are actually smaller than all other magnesium pills I’ve had. Magnesium is water-soluble so it’s safe to take on an empty stomach (I’ve done it and I have IBS).My panic attacks are severely reduced and I’m able to sleep through more nights without being woken up by my cortisol alarm clock at 3AM. Best of all, it’s not adding to my IBS adventures!EDIT NOV 2018I have ceased magnesium pills! My levels are great now. Yay! My symptoms have greatly reduced and I noticed when I take them, I feel foggy + anxious/weird for a day. Researching this, this can definitely happen with too much Mg. This does not mean this is a bad product, no not at all, I recommend this brand to everyone suffering from what I did to myself lol. I wouldn’t have recovered so well without these suppliments, they helped me reached what I was missing. When I realized this, I stopped taking them and my mental/physical state went back to normal very next day.Update February 2019I do not take these as often as I did when I was going through withdrawals, maybe up to 3 times a week as I’m getting a good of magnesium through food. No pain and I have a FANTASTIC nights sleep! I continually suggest these magnesium pills!Update May 2019Take every once in awhile when I’m feeling stressed and I know my diets been slacking. Still no GI pain and I’m able to sleep normally. Fantastic, please don’t change this formula!

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